Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to modify the WINDMILL

I know that some use a rope or chain to turn the windmill into a closed-chain move,but the heavy(gray)
thera-band has some"give",which jacks up the neuro component to "11".
Observe the difference in the RIGHT ARM.
5 months after rotator cuff surgery,lovely Iris,who broke that arm as a kid,cannot fully extend(2nd part of video),,,but we add the connecting band,and it's a whole 'nother story..
check it:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Foam Rolling 101 returns !!

Foam Rolling 101 (because you demanded it)


 ..pork loin RULES...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Act your (FITNESS) age!! and hello again,MAYDAY!!

Guys,it's been a while-i wanted to relate what i felt the other night while watching this big Aussie kid on Letterman:Chris Hemsworth played Capt.JT Kirk in the Star Trek reboot..then got the gig as THOR....
 What a fitness transformation:......

I thought:"how cool--ill whip MY butt into shape in time for that flick's opening..and blah blah....
Well 1 torn hip labrum and some real-life angst later--didn't happen!!

..anyway,on Letterman,he reveals that he's all of 27 years old..
or...HALF my age...which in turn gets me thinking...
"if i'm old enough to be his FATHER...who played his father in the movie?""

yeah,Anthony Hopkins....
DAMN!!--no dis to Tony...do i look THAT old??

The whole point being
.all is relative--by being as realistic as possible,i was able to tailor MY training to get to my rehab goals,as well as my fitness goals.

At the gym,we use a scale device which "gives" you your BF%,etc. and your "AGE",fitness-wise.....the day before yesterday,i was 7 years "younger" than my birth certificate!!

Happy to be in the skin i'm in,

Sunday, November 20, 2011

(FOOD PORN)...We have seen the enemy..and his name is MUFFIN....

What's YOUR favorite "cheat food""??
Double chocolate was not bad enough? Red velvet not #$@^'ed up enough?
I KNOW..let's make a COMBO--that'll really mess with Jason's resolve !!!
Understand--this kinda stuff is NOT in my kitchen,as the best way to stay on the good-foot,
training wise,,,is to not allow such crap in the house!!!
Still....$3.69 was the SALE price...and they're gone now...so.....

Tower of Power: Does this Bald-spot make me look OLD ?

 I dunno....
...it seemed like everyone had a baldspot in the crowd @ TOP when we caught 'em a few nights back--got me thinking..does this mean anything?
Yeah,Yeah..over thinking again..just enjoy this archive clip !!

The baddest band in the land:
The baddest horn section on the planet:

looking for the "perfect" workout??pai mei

It ain't worth it!!

Just MOVE!! "a little SOMETHING is better than  a lotta NOTHING!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

..be WATER,my friend

I lifted this whole from
"Begin to dig",a great place for GS and KB
opinions and inspiration:

In his book, 'Zen in the Martial Arts,' (1979) Joe Hyams recounts the story of his first meeting with Bruce Lee. Now, I apologize for using a figure that is arguably the most overused in advertising products for strength, power, and personal development, but the lesson described here undoubtedly applies:

"Do you realize you will have to unlearn all you have learned and start over again?"

"No," I said. Bruce smiled and placed his hand lightly on my shoulder. "Let me tell you a story my sifu told me," he said. "It is about a Japanese Zen master who received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.

It was obvious to the master from the start of the conversation that the professor was not so much interested in learning about Zen as he was in impressing the master with his opinions and knowledge. The master listened patiently and finally suggested they have tea. The master poured the visitor's cup full and then kept on pouring.

The professor watched the cup overflowing until he could no longer restrain himself. 'The cup is overfull, no more will go in!'

'Like this cup,' the master said, 'you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?'

Bruce studied my face. "You understand the point?"

"Yes," I said. "You want me to empty my mind of past knowledge and old habits so that I will be open to new learning."

"Precisely," said Bruce. "And now you are ready to begin your first lesson."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

FREE AB TRAINING REPORT is here...the people REJOYCE !!!

Well,the people are no longer marching up my block with flaming torches...
Jump over to my KB 'blog to get on the good foot by using the box marked
"FREE REPORT" ...so far folks say "yea"..and everyone loves my training pal..


4 strategies to burn fat around the clock

 .....I really DON'T promote another guy's product very often,if at all. 
BUT Joel M. has proved to be a guy who can back up his claims with the science..,
while CB...well if you know me at all,you know i really consider him an 
The fact that these two cats are rolling out a Fat-Loss program
TOGETHER?--i'm IN.. 
Check out the info HERE:
The plan will be available on Nov, 8th....
 .. Please download the FREE report now if you haven't already
(page 9 and page 13 WOKE ME UP!!
just the info on "combining"...was way-cool !!!)
check the free report right here: 
 24/7 Fat Loss Report - 4 strategies to burn fat around the clock

Talk soon, 
Jason K.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

is this the death of fitness?

Or,put it another way,who cares about ADL anymore?
(activities of daily living,that is...)i HELP clients tie their shoes!!
Gaze upon the terror/wonder of
MARTY McFLY'S closet!!
dig out your copy of BTTF:2...NOW!!
You heard it here first,BEFORE Letterman!